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Pusha T responds to Drake's comments with great mockery

But what is he laughing at?

Whoever laughs last laughs better, in fact. While Pusha T kept quiet in public about Drake's recent interview with the Rap Radar podcast, it didn't stop the rest of the Internet from weighing in on the latest development of what could be considered the biggest rap bullshit in the last decade. Since it involves Drake , Pusha T, Kanye West and even the dreaded J Prince.
His silence was not common either. That was until, of course, that Push went to Twitter in the eleventh literal hour - 23.56 pm to be exact - to tweet his final observation of the year: laughter.
"Hahhahahahhahahhahahh ahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahh ahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha ahhahaahhahahhahahaahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha hhahahhahahahahhahahahahh ahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhaha," was all he wrote.
Of course, there are a few things that could have motivated Push's reaction. After all, this was another strong year for the GOOD Music executive, but we can't help but attribute a clever stab at the last laugh in his fight with Drizzy.
In his interview, Drake approached Push's famous stab at revealing his son's existence and later stated that he was never a fan of Push's music. "I'll say that, I take off my hat for the chess game he did," Drake began. “I mean, it was a brilliant move in the chess game. And it definitely justified my first "loss" in quotes in this competitive sport that is rap. Some people like his music. I personally don't believe his lyrics because I don't believe any of it, ”he added, showing that he believes the rumors that Pusha actually rhymes about his cousin's street experiences and not his.
It was an interesting admission considering Drake's documented past of being a fan of Push in his youth. Perhaps this point may have been the catalyst for Push's fun. Review the full interview below.
King Push@PUSHA_T
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