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Quick Update

Hey everyone!  I just thought I should sit down and do a really quick update.  For most of you it may seem like I have disappeared.  I haven't been posting on social media much and have stopped daily blogging.  I am not quitting so don't panic.  I am just taking a big step back from nails and blogging for this month.  I have had a couple of really huge months and need to play catch up with everything.  I am seriously behind with everything and I am not liking it.  I am also lacking inspiration and motivation for nails so taking a step back for now is really a good time.  I will be aiming to do about four blog posts a week for this month and then I will workout what my plan after that. 

Right, I think that's all I wanted to say.  Now to get editing some photos and write my blog post for tomorrow! 

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