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Wedding Guest Dresses

Today I'm going to give you all a little update that I shared on Insta stories last week as well as share some fall wedding guest dress options! I got a ton of requests for this! If you are like me, you're always looking for a beautiful cocktail dress or gown. And oh my goodness do I love a good cocktail dress!! I don't necessarily care what season or year I buy a cocktail dress in, if I love something, I'm going to get it and keep it on hand for whatever event or wedding we have in the future. Right now, SO many dresses are on major sale because people aren't shopping for them. That's another reason I've been keeping an eye out. Fancier dresses are pricey and it's SO great when you can find one for a steal so I tried to include as many dresses on sale as possible. 

We personally do not have a single wedding or event on the calendar for the rest of 2020. On one hand, it makes me really sad, but on another, it also makes me SO excited for all that is to come! As of right now, we have 9 weddings on the calendar for next year so I'm specifically looking for dresses for those weddings as well as a great dress for my sister's rehearsal dinner. So go ahead and scroll through the widget above as I have rounded up some of my favorite dresses! 
wedding update
I have been getting a ton of DM's over the last month or two requesting more wedding content and I explained this on instastories but I'll explain it here, too! I did Wedding Wednesdays for 15 months leading up to (what was supposed to be) our wedding. Obviously, I definitely did not think I'd have MANY more months of wedding Wednesdays before our wedding, so I really wasn't planning on anything after those 15 months other than just sharing the actual photos from our wedding. Not only am I out of ideas, but I've done as much content as I feel comfortable sharing without spoiling it for those actually attending. We postponed our wedding when we were only several weeks away from it so literally, everything was planned. We even had RSVP's in and seating charts and all of that done. So when I say there has been nothing new, there truly has been absolutely nothing new to fill you all in on.

However, I totally understand that we could all use a little frivolity, pretty photos, and joyful topics! I know wedding topics are fun to read so If I can come up with a topic or someone sends over something that I'm willing to share, then I will pop in here and there with some content!! Otherwise, I'm tapped out, haha!! I'm truly happy to share every single detail with all of you once we have our wedding. I'm excited to do so!! But I've basically divulged as much as I care to for now.

Also, I know so many people are asking for our new date... I get several DM's each week asking this exact question and I completely understand why you all want to know as so many of you are scheduling and rescheduling and cutting guest lists and doing so much. Believe me, I get it and I feel for every single person going through all of this. However, I never shared our wedding date (pre-covid) and will not be sharing now. I want privacy on our day (and leading up to it) and to be able to be FULLY in the moment and live all of it OFF of social media. I've felt this way the entire time and I fully plan to keep our privacy. I hope you can understand and respect my wishes! If you are a fellow bride and are looking for specific advice on a topic, I'm all ears and more than happy to chat with you over e-mail!  

Also, to be completely transparent, I still wake up some days and for a hot second, I think all of this was a bad dream. So I can't say I'm particularly enthusiastic at this point, but I'm in a MUCH better place than several months ago (thank goodness). I am hoping that the sheer excitement and joy I once felt will return at some point. But with so many things still up in the air, I can't say that I'm necessarily joyful. Happy, yes, joyful, not quite. Someday, though, I just know it!!!  

And then lastly, I just want to let you know all know how much your kindness and support, and thoughtfulness has meant to me over the past 7 months. There are many others going through things that are unimaginable. So I hope you can spread that same support, kindness, and thoughtfulness that you extended to me, to others. Spread your kindness around like freaking confetti!!!! I know I am!! I saw a quote the other day and included it in a recent 'Lately post'... it said:

'I love you. You're probably thinking "you don't even know me". But if people can hate for no reason, I can love.'

LOVE you all!!!

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