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At last!

Not only am I updating this blog again (well, this once anyway -- we'll see how it goes...), but Fight On! is back as well!

I've already flipped through the pdf, and there is a lot of old school goodness in here. Here's the press release:

Bloodied and staggered on the 66th level of Maure Castle, somehow, after a 2-year hiatus, we found the will to Fight On! This issue of our fabulous fanzine is packed with all the magic, monsters, mayhem, and miscellany you've come to expect to take your FRPing to the next level! Dedicated to Rob Kuntz, our fantastic authors and artists include Lee Barber, Patrick Farley, Jeff Rients, Gabor Lux, Peitsa Veteli, Kevin Mayle, Douglas Cox, Chris Kutalik, Jennifer Weigel, Kelvin Green, Tom Gordon, Michael Curtis, Sniderman, Calithena, Richard Rittenhouse, Hudson Bell, Michael Mornard, Baz Blatt, Jonathan Linneman, Simon Forster, and many more! Let's face it - no matter how old we get, Fight On! still punches harder than Ivan Drago wearing a Girdle of Storm Giant Strength. Grab your copy today!

You can obtain the TRULY old school dead tree print version here: 

and the formerly not very old school but now kind of old school due to the popularity of the Kindle and Epub fomats PDF here: 

Thank you for your time and consideration. Fight On!

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